2022 check ups

 Your girl right here decided to take some time to reflect back and write again :)

Ladies and gents, it's August. 8th month of the year.

Should we do the cheesy, generic, half-year type of reflection? Yea, think we should.

2022 has been very...interesting. 

It was a period full of ups and downs-packed with small victories but sprinkled with rejections and tears-at least for me. 


If anything, it surely is not easy to keep your sanity when you try to juggle between responsibilities of living adult life in a land away from your loved ones. It does not make it any easier when you have to part ways with people you have shared your life with for quite some time. (play: Peri Cintaku) 

I did my part by "asking" God for what I think is best for me. To push through with full energy on what I thought should be. What did I learn, you asked? That I-is a human being with only so much capability. I-this human being is an arrogant, clueless, and powerless being without His power.

But on that note-I am grateful for all the passersby I met through the journey.

For teaching me how to be strong and to only focus on what really does matter.

To not be in a rush for whatever the pushing reason might urge you.

To cherish people by giving the biggest and most genuine love since we never know who needs our love the most.

Love all, trust few.

Everything is real, but not everyone is true.

Rest of 2022, let's try to be nice to each other-okay? :`

To stand up and fight again.

Let us -at least- try to fall in love and trust again.
